My Main Page

What I like, do and stuff

  • Born in Slovakia, 1984, currently living in Prague, CZ
  • I like computers, fountain pens, open source, trains, Germany
  • Working as a technical support for an adult entertainment website
  • Using Linux wherever I can
  • '(Lisp Scheme), Perl fan
  • name is obviously "Peter KotrĨka" :-D
  • I like to cook
  • I prefer humans, not AI


Electronic mail: pkotrcka (at) vivaldi (dot) net

Mastodon: General Account IT Account French Account

Neverending Blog Kind of Thing

July 7, 2024 - Gentoo and stuff

I did manage to install Gentoo again, it seems to be much easier than it was 4 years ago. OK, the existence of binary package makes it easier (or, let's say - faster) on this aging 4th gen mobile i5. But even the documentation seems to be better, more easy to follow. And of course, once done, Gentoo is really easy to maintain. It was just a short experiment, now I am back on a binary (but well, was Gentoo still a source distro anymore?) distribution called Debian. Have you ever heard about it? :-D

I also setup my secondary and terciary mastodon account, one for IT related stuff, one for french stuff. Why?

Well, because I do not want to talk about everything on one server / instance, not to bother people that are not interested in IT with my Emacs and BSD stuff. And vice versa. The french one is because I write in english (and a bit german) on my first and second instance and we all know how terrible french people are with english :-D

Last few days, I am seriously thinking about quitting my job, it is not fulfilling, nothing gets solved, everyone is anxious about the development. And I also think that 8 years were enough. I know, there are people with a lifetime experience from just 1 or 2 jobs, but still.

I can not make any progress here, I would like to be challenged a bit with a but more technical job, so we'll see. It's not like I am quitting today, but…

June 22, 2024

Well well well, isn't this a new attempt of me, writing a blog? Yes, kind of is. My initial idea was that I could use a static site builder (such as hakyll, jekyll, …) for my page. But do I really need such thing? Just look at this, my page is:

  • simple, with no images
  • simple, with almost no formatting other than headers
  • simple, with no css
  • already written in orgmode, which I like and prefer (because of Emacs, which I am using anyway)

So, here I am, typing this inside Emacs. Is it a good idea or bad idea to have everthing on one page? I mean, the latest blog post should always be on top anyway (my idea is to add a newer post above the older one), but for some people, that might sound like a lot of data transferred wastefully. On the other hand, my whole page is less than a fraction (and we are talking about fractions that have 3 digits in the denominator part :-D ) of a page that is considered to be modern

But, to make this post at least a but informative, here we go, a bit of knowledge sprinkled for you, guys:

This is what I am using to configure my page: no enumeration, no table of contents, no author and no timestamps.

#+TITLE:My Main Page
#+OPTIONS: num:nil toc:nil author:nil timestamp:nil